Barça becomes first club to gain AA certificate

Barça becomes first club to gain AA certificate for accessibility.
This certificate guarantees universal access to information about the Club for all users The website has been made accessible to people with visual, aural, cognitive and physical disabilities.
FC Barcelona would like to guarantee everyone universal access to information about the Club and that’s why the official Club website has been optimised to obtain the AA certification for website accessibility from the World Wide Web Consortium via Technosite, a company of the ONCE Foundation (Spanish Association for the Blind). This certificate is regularly checked and is valid for two years. The Club has made a great effort to apply the principles of responsive {website design} This means that the site is also adapted to all the languages used on any type of device, be they mobiles, computers of tablets. #Barça thereby becomes the first sports club in the world to gain the AA accessibility certificate. 4,051 members with disabilities Barça is especially committed to helping people with disabilities to access information more easily. Pilar Guinovart (Social Area) and Dídac Lee (Technological Area) gave a press conference on Tuesday to
explain the project, coinciding with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Guinovart revealed that, “4,051 Club members have some kind of disability”and stressed that the Club has a social, democratic and universal commitment to the membership. Mr Lee told reporters, “Making the website accessible means making the website accessible to everyone. Two barriers have been broken: the technological barrier and the accessibility barrier for people with disabilities”. The website is now compatible with all browsers and devices and is accessible by people with visual, aural, cognitive and physical disabilities. People with impaired vision will be able to use their screen readers to read aloud the website. Those with hearing difficulties will be able to consult a selection of videos with sign language while people with a physical disability will be able to surf the website using the keyboard if they cannot use the mouse. To make this possible, FC Barcelona has labelled and structured the website so that the screen readers used by people with sight impairment are able to reproduce everything that is published. Editorial staff have received training in correctly labelling texts and photographs. The Club is committed to carry on working to transfer these improvements gradually to other platforms and services such as ticket sales and online admin.


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